Corporate Banking

The requirements for developing bank products and services for corporate customers vary broadly from those for private customers. Acting in growing and globalizing markets corporate customers expect more than secure and efficient payment processing. Mod­ern corporate banking delivers a wide portfolio from treasury and cash management, through trade finance, financing and investment business to risk man­age­ment to be accessible online by customers 24 hours a day.

In numerous projects we have proved our com­pe­tence in developing custom-tailored concepts for cor­po­rate banking.

Single Sign-On / Portals for Corporate Customers

In order to make the large variety of products and services comfortably available to the customers, a single point of entry is mandatory. The challenge for a bank is the integration of systems of various vendors being hosted at different data centers located globally and the provision access to those systems through a single portal entry. Beyond that, the authentication and authorization mechanisms have to provide for all applications in a central and consistent manner.

Company specific roles and permissions as well as the implementation of the four-eye principle (referred to as the two-man rule) must be made available to all applications.

Models of Cooperation

Besides intra-industry cooperation concluded to increase economic efficiency and cost reduction, inter-sector cooperation needs to be established in the near future. Corporate Banking is the link between the corporate customer and the bank. Based on the common bank services it is a partnership established with the realization of concerted projects requiring detailed knowledge from other segments of the bank. The models vary from optimization of the cash cycle, through shared emission of non-cash payment instruments, to customer loyalty programs for the establishing of new and innovative business segments and the optional setup of shared subsidiaries.

We have longtime experience in inter-bank and cooperation projects and support you in all areas – project organization, calculation of business models and conception. NOVOSEC accompanies your project up to the successful market entry.